Following the great success of his first e-book “The Power of Conjoint Analysis as a Market Research tool”, the book’s publishers have invited David to write a second book. The book is entitled “The reluctant entrepreneur – how to start…
Following the great success of his first e-book “The Power of Conjoint Analysis as a Market Research tool”, the book’s publishers have invited David to write a second book. The book is entitled “The reluctant entrepreneur – how to start…
Members from France, Russia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Turkey, Poland and UK attended our annual meeting in Munich. As is always the case, the BIG award takes place with, on this occasion, five members delivering papers on a wide range…
For the first time, the BIG meeting was held at a member’s offices. Ioanna’s Focus Group studio was converted into a Board Room to enable us to conduct workshops to plan the future direction of BIG and for some members…