Yearly Archives: 2014

David Murray appointed chair of European research association BIG

Business Information Group (BIG) is a European Association of Market Research Consultancies which was established in 1993. Carefully selected members from 14 different countries across Europe meet twice a year to share knowledge, methods and concepts with other research professionals

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Posted in Market Research

Third Sector Environmental Research: Working with the Mersey Forest

The Murray Consultancy work with the Mersey Forest on the social and environmental impact of tree planting programmes. The Mersey Forest is a growing network of woodlands and green spaces across Cheshire and Merseyside, which has been creating ‘woodlands on

Posted in Market Research

Health Sector Research: Elis Group Transformation Framework

The Murray Consultancy, with their wealth of experience in health sector research, are delighted to announce they have been accepted onto the new Elis Group Transformation Framework Agreement. The Elis Group is a collective of six of the leading Commissioning

Posted in Market Research
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